Keeper of the Hope Jar

When I was in high school one of the classes I would hope for and could not wait to get to was mythology. I loved the stories and the details of how they came to be. One of the reasons I’ve always been so fascinated with Greece I guess, and comparable places like Egypt, and others in the world. I just love all the ancient architecture. And how they were able to accomplish so much grander in their building skills, color, and art!

The myth of Pandora’s Box has fascinated people for centuries. Catching the imagination of countless artists, who created frescos, mosaics, and sculptures depicting Pandora and the mythological facets surrounding her. The story goes that Pandora was given a box or jar by Zeus with strict instructions not to ever open the container. Her curiosity finally gets the better of her. She opens the box only to release all the evils into the world. Becoming afraid of what was happening around her, she quickly closed the box just in time to keep ‘Hope’ inside.

keeper of the hope jar
©Kimberly McGuiness

The Hope Jar

In my latest piece ‘Keeper of the Hope Jar,’ the jar represents Pandora’s box the word on the outside written in Greek means ‘Hope’. The peacock represents new beginnings, rebirth, nobility, holiness, guidance, protection, and watchfulness. The woman represents a keeper of that which is sacred. Like a mother with her child. Forever protecting, guiding, and bringing knowledge and hope to dreams and aspirations.

The Ruins

The ancient Greek ruins represent opulence, strength, courage, and destruction. In the end, for me, ‘Keeper of the Hope Jar’ is she who reminds us of hope. She is forever watchful, guided, and guarded by her holiness to always keep ‘hope’ close to spirit, heart, and soul. She will always remember that even after the most devastating storm, fall from grace, or hurt from one person to another guided by darkness there is and will always be ‘hope’.

The story of Pandora reminds me of all the things we hope for ourselves, others, and all of humankind. Art gives me the opportunity to express all that is deep in my soul. With the ‘hope’ each piece will bring a message to each new viewer intended specifically for them. Whether it be techniques or lessons my wish is we listen from where we are today.

Listen to the whispers and knowledge from the past and use this wisdom for a brighter tomorrow. Even if only in our little corner of the world. Always remembering the hope, that through the centuries has never abandoned us. But instead been kept safe in our own containers of heart and soul for us to share and bring to others when they need ‘it’, (HOPE) the most.