Exhibitions & Press

Mula Palace 2024: Murano-Venice

Mula Palace 2024: Murano-Venice

My piece ‘El Carnival’ will be on exhibition, “The Light & The Color” in Venice at the Mula Palace.

The exhibition runs from June 7 – June 16, 2024, with more details on the invite.

View the entire catalog of all the artists’ work on Flipbook

The Bolognini Castle 2024: Italy

Cressida Solange, page 55, from my book “Enchanted Echoes: Tales of Empowering Women & Their Mystical Realms” will be on exhibition, “In Search of Beauty” in Italy at the Bolognini Castle.

The exhibition runs from May 26 – June 2, 2024, with more details on the invite.

View the entire catalog of all the artists’ work on Flipbook

SINTESI 2024: Istanbul Turkey

My Piece, “There Is Strength & Wisdom In Freedom” is on exhibition from May 25 – June 7, 2024. This ‘Harmonies & Divergences’ themed show marks my 2nd international exhibit. I could not be more grateful for this opportunity to be included in such a wonderful exhibit and with such talented artists.

View the entire catalog of all the artists’ work on Flipbook

The Art World Daily

keeper of the hope jar

May 11, 2024

Kimberly McGuiness: A Conduit to Magical Realms Through Art

Read the full article →

Library Exhibit 2024: Rome, Ga. USA

The library is hosting my work on display from May 1- May 31, 2024

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and prepare to be enchanted by the captivating world of Kimberly’s artistry. With a brush dipped in hues of wonder and a soul steeped in the magic of the circus, Kimberly’s creations transport viewers to a realm where every stroke tells a story and every shade whispers a secret meant only for those who dare to dream.

The Art Insight

darkness is the absence of light

April 21, 2024

Kimberly McGuiness: Illuminating the World Through Art

Read the full article →

Archaeological Museum of Nepi

Exhibition at the Archaeological Museum of Nepi

2024 Exhibit in Italy!!

Isolde Nova, page 87, from my book “Enchanted Echoes: Tales of Empowering Women & Their Mystical Realms” will be in this exhibition!!! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be listed among such fantastic international talent on this invitation!!!

View the entire catalog of all the artists’ work on Flipbook

The Art World Post

March 21, 2024

Kimberly McGuiness: Crafting Magical Narratives in Art

Read the full article →

March 2024

Some of my work is now being shown online through the Mega Art Gallery.

located in the heart of the country in central Via Roma 29 b in Corchiano, a town in Tuscia between Rome and Viterbo.

Spring Invitational Featured Artist 2024

anamchara gallery spring invitaional

Luxembourg Art Prize 2023 Certificate of Participation

Luxembourg Art Prize 2023 Certificate of Participation


Luxembourg Art Prize 2022 Certificate of Participation

Luxembourg Art Prize 2022 Certificate of Participation

Luxembourg Art Prize 2021 Certificate of Participation

Luxembourg Art Prize 2021 Certificate of Participation

An Interview with Artistcloseup


Luxembourg Art Prize 2020 Certificate of Participation

Luxembourg Art Prize 2020 Certificate of Participation

VoyageATL Interview-Thought-Provokers: Marietta

February 2019

Kimberly McGuiness in the studio working on commission pieces and standing next to ribbon winners at the local fair.
Kimberly McGuiness in the studio working on commission pieces and standing next to ribbon winners at the local fair.

Read the full version of the interview on their website here

a flyer type ad with a colorful whimsical character for Kimberly McGUiness art Showcase in Atalanta on 6-27-19 @7pm

cover of Just mixed media magazine 4th edition

Several pieces of my work were published on a page spread and throughout the 2018 Volume 4 Just Mixed Media Magazine. (this magazine is no longer in publication)

volume 3 cover of just mixed media magazine

My work was published on the cover and several more pieces on a page spread in 2018 volume 3 of Just Mixed Media magazine. (this magazine is no longer in publication)

March | April 2017 Magazine cover for Cloth Paper Scissors

Work published in the March | April 2017 Cloth Paper Scissors magazine. I was a winner in the studio decor challenge.

May 2016, Rome News-Tribune article, Mother, the artist continues to create for her daughter.

whimsical art by kimberly mcguiness

In October 2015, Artsy Shark invited some artist friends to choose a piece of their delightful work to share. Enjoy, and visit each artist’s website by clicking on their name.


May 2015 Exhibition: Botanical

Contemporary Art Gallery Online Exhibitions


Fall 2012, Understanding Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Educators Partnering with Families Learn More


February 2012, The Endeavor, American Society for The Deaf, Article: A Light at the End of the Tunnel begins on page 8 of the digital version.